I posted this on my personal blog back in April and thought I'd share it here too.

In all seriousness, I challenge everyone reading this to make one change -- just one small change -- in an effort to becoming more earth-friendly. It might be switching to compact flourescent bulbs. It might be shopping at local farmers' markets instead of big chain stores. It might simply be turning off lights and other electricity-eating devices when you're not using them. It might be a new commitment to recycling (Chattanooga DOES have this, and even if you don't have curbside pickup within the city limits, you CAN still drop items off at any recycling center.) It never fails to amaze me how many Christians don't worry about the environment and don't seem to do anything to take care of God's creation. The way I see it, He gave us this planet -- a planet that, unlike any other in the world, sustains human life so perfectly -- and we're killing it. Every day. Little by little. My personal environmentalism isn't because I'm an animal-loving-tree-hugging-granola-eating-vegetarian weirdo ... it's because I'm a Christian and I want to respect and honor the world I believe God created for us.
I'll step off my soapbox now and leave you with one plea: Don't be Stupid.
Happy Earth Day.
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