Green Team member Jennifer Hobbs is currently reading the book Eco-Friendly Families, by Helen Coronato. The book shares short tips we can all implement each month - things that add up to big changes over the course of a year. We're sharing these with our readers each month as well!
For February:
- If you have club soda that has gone flat, give it to your houseplants! Plants benefit from club soda's minerals, regardless of the carbonation. Instead of pouring it down the drain, share it with a leafy friend.
- Make your own natural air freshener by adding a cotton ball dipped in essential oil to your vacuum bag.
- For mopping, steep a cup of peppermint tea and squeeze in half a lemon. Combine with one cup of distilled white vinegar and swish in bucket. Once cool, mop floors clean. Vinegar is a disinfectant, the peppermint tea has antibacterial elements and helps remove scratch marks, and the lemon will act as a room freshener!
I can't wait to try out the mopping solution!!