Thursday, July 15, 2010

How does your garden grow?

Those of you who attend Christ Church might already know this, but we have a beautiful organic vegetable garden! It's part of the "Gardening for God" ministry, and its harvest is donated to local food charities.

God has again blessed our garden harvest!

Here are some amazing harvest totals (as of June 29, 2010):

  • Cabbage: 38 pounds
  • Cauliflower: 26 pounds
  • Lettuce: 33 pounds
  • Carrots: 24 pounds
  • Squash: 51 pounds
  • Zucchini: 83 pounds
  • Cucumbers: 140 pounds
  • Potatoes: 67 pounds

Wow! Gardening for God coordinator Emily Dykstra reports that the volunteers' hard work is paying off and helping to feed the homeless of Chattanooga who come each day to the Community Kitchen. The workers there are always so grateful when they see us drive up with our bounty two days each week. We get the same response when we deliver the produce to the Chattanooga Food Bank and St. Andrews Center -- thanks over and over.

Volunteers are needed to water the garden and to help with harvesting. Watering is assigned a week at a time (and we need volunteers for the last week of July, plus the first two weeks of August). Harvest times are Wednesday at 9 a.m. and Sundays at 6 p.m. It only takes about 30 minutes and is a lot of fun. Please join us.

If you're interested in helping, please respond to this post in the "comments" section, and we'll put you in touch with Emily. Thanks!

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