Monday, August 9, 2010

Packing a waste-free lunch

It's back-to-school time, and for many busy parents this also means a return to lunch-packing. Did you know that the typical child generates 67 pounds of lunchtime trash per year? With more families trying to save money by brown bagging it that's a lot of waste - and money - going into the trash. Creating a waste-free lunch kit is smart ... and it's one of the easiest ways to significantly reduce your consumption of use-and-toss items - and save money (about $371 annually). has compiled five great ways to reduce the waste your family generates during lunches on the go.

Come back later this week for some staggering facts and figures related to our culture's near-epidemic use of tossable lunch materials.

1 comment:

  1. This is Hannah Bevills, Editor for which is a social network made specifically for Christians, by Christians, to directly fulfill Christian's needs. We embarked on this endeavor to offer the ENTIRE christian community an outlet to join together as one (no matter denomination) and better spread the good word of Christianity. has many great features aside from the obvious like christian TV, prayer request or even find a church/receive advice. We have emailed you because we have interest in collaborating with you and your blog to help us spread the good word. I look forward to an email regarding the matter, Thanks!

    God Bless
    |Hannah Bevills||
